ITSS Annual European Chapters Meeting

The main goal of the IEEE ITSS Annual European Chapters Meeting is to provide support to local communities and encourage the technological innovations in the area of the intelligent transportation systems including but not limited to: establishment and moderating a forum for the knowledge exchange between universities, industry, and research institutes, support to the formation of interest groups as a base for common research projects and cultivation of a professional network with the European cities.

The program is coordinated via the IEEE ITSS EU Chapters (Austrian, Cypriot, German, Italian, and Spanish) and will pay travel expenses up to € 500 for travel expenses to attend as per IEEE travel regulations.

In 2022, the Spanish Chapter will host the first edition of this meeting. During the meeting, attendees from students, young professionals and experts can give presentations on their recent publication and get feedback from their peers. In addition to invited keynote speeches and other networking opportunities to bring the members together and brainstorm new ideas for the future.

Important Dates


UC3M Campus
Ronda de Toledo, 1, 28005 Madrid, Spain


Please fill in the application form below and send the it to your corresponding Chapter before the deadline.

Austrian Chapter

Cypriot Chapter

German Chapter

Italian Chapter

Spanish Chapter


A dedicated committee will evaluate all received applications according to the interest of the topic for the intended audience!

We are looking forward to meeting you at the 2022 Annual European Chapters Meeting.
