Distinguished Lecture “Recent Results on Inertial Navigation: Non-linear Insights and Linear Threats”

ITSS Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Paul Chauchat Title Recent Results on Inertial Navigation: Non-linear Insights and Linear Threats Brief Abstract Mobile systems need to locate themselves ever more accurately, and in ever more complex situations. To this end, they are endowed with various sensors, the data of which are fused to obtain an estimate of …

Distinguished Lecture “Progress and challenges in developing an industrial grade visual SLAM system”

Distinguished Lecture “Progress and challenges in developing an industrial grade visual SLAM system”

ITSS Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Lorenz Hruby Title Progress and challenges in developing an industrial grade visual SLAM system Brief Abstract Advances in algorithms, cameras and embedded computing hardware have allowed for the first implementations of visual SLAM in smartphones and XR goggles as well as vacuum cleaner robots and autonomous drones. Despite this initial …

Distinguished Lecture “An introduction to new paradigms of collaborative satellite-based navigation in ITS”

ITSS Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Alex Minetto Title An introduction to new paradigms of collaborative satellite-based navigation in ITS   Brief Abstract In the last decade, the availability of reliable and low-latency communications has extended the paradigm of vehicular and sensor networks by opening new frontiers to time-constrained applications in ITS. Along with the evolution …

Distinguished Lecture “Influence of Sensor Accuracy on  Electrical Vehicle Drivetrain Performance”

Distinguished Lecture “Influence of Sensor Accuracy on Electrical Vehicle Drivetrain Performance”

ITSS Distinguished Lecture by Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Marl Title Influence of Sensor Accuracy on Electrical Vehicle Drivetrain Performance   Brief Abstract The electrification of vehicle propulsion systems poses new challenges to the development departments of the global automotive industry and its major suppliers. The development of electric motors into highly efficient and reliable drives will proceed …

Distinguished Lecture “Machine Intelligence and Sensory Feedback”

Distinguished Lecture “Machine Intelligence and Sensory Feedback”

ITSS Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Ahmed Wagdy Shehata   Title Machine Intelligence and Sensory Feedback   Brief Abstract Humans are extremely swift learners, we are able to grasp highly abstract notions, whether they come from art perception or pure mathematics. Current machine intelligence techniques demonstrate astonishing results in extracting patterns in information. Yet the abstract …